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ISS & Tennant: How a true partnership helps you to excel in providing cleaning services

The customer (and his customer)

ISS Facility Services is the world's leading outsourcing services provider and has a reputation to live up to. The company - offering a broad variety of services ranging from cleaning to catering and Facility Management - is constantly challenged to deliver outstanding results to satisfy their customers. DAF Trucks in Eindhoven, the Netherlands is on of the numberous leading enterprises that call on the services of ISS. Today, the cleaning team that is allocated to DAF Trucks has its own work-spaces and offices in a separate building on the DAF site.

Working side-by-side

ISS Facility Services does some of the cleaning while the trucks are being assembled without disturbing any of the staff. ISS segregates and disposes of all machined metal, spilt oil, cooling agents and paints while these wastes are being discharged from the production lines. To avoid interference with any of the production processes all of ISS’s cleaning activities are planned well in advance and in close consultation with DAF.

Tennant is a preferred supplier

Tennant has been one of the preferred suppliers of ISS for over 13 years. In 2014 ISS issued a call for tenders, which led to the renewal of the contract with Tennant for another five years. ‘And because failing in our commitment to DAF Trucks is not an option we have entered into Tennant’s Pro 24 service contract,’ ISS Manager Jasper Prins explains. ‘So we can be sure we get the right support seven days a week, full-service preventive maintenance and repairs, as well as expert intervention within 24 hours or earlier in case of technical failure.’

Challenge and solution

Today, ISS is faced with the problem of rising labour costs, which weigh heavily on profits and push the company towards maximum automation and efficiency. ‘As a supplier, Tennant provides high-quality products and services at relatively low prices and frequently comes up with new technologies that drive our industry forward,’ Jasper Prins says. ‘It is simply amazing how they keep offering excellent value for money.’

The result

‘It has been a perfect match from the procurement process right through to the implementation and start-up,’ Jasper Prins concludes. If I had to make one suggestion, it would be for Tennant to keep focusing on automation. Cost-cutting is a trending topic throughout the cleaning industry; hence our keen interest in the opportunities for saving through mechanisation and automation.'
